CBT-E is the cutting edge delevlopment in CBT treatment, it has been especially designed for eating problems and disorders.

It is a colaborative form of treatment where the therapist and individual work together to re-establish regular eating, a healthy weight, and address emotions and behaviours that keep the eating disorder going. 

For those under 18 years it is important that we involve family and or care givers at various stages of your treatment to support you geting back on track. 

We also encourage adults over 18 to involve partners, friends or help of others to give insight and have a better understanding of how to help the you with the therapy process. When to help and when to step back. 

Seperate sessions are also available for loved ones, providing you with a safe space to talk and reflect. We explore difficulties you are experiencing in the caring role. 

These sessions provide education and skills around living with someone with an eating disorder and ways to manage your own emotions and wellbeing.