Julie Cottrell Therapy

Expert Practitioner in Eating Disorders

Mental Health and Wellbeing

What is an eating disorder?
Eating disorders can develop through a combination of factors, this could be psycological, enviromental and gentic factors.

Eating disorders are serious mental illness, where individuals use the control of food to mange thoughts and feelings. 

They present in many different ways. This could be restricting food intake, eating large quanties of food at once, purging behaviours, fasting, exessive exercise or a combination of these behaviours.

Eating disorders are an incredibly complex and difficult illness to treat and require specialist knowledge and experience.

Recovery and change is for anyone, at any stage of the illness, being ready to explore change is the first step.

If you have concerns about yourself or someone you know and would like to discuss further, please contact me via the contacts page and leave your details.

My name is Julie Cottrell, i am an expert practitioner in eating eating disorders, providing a holistic approach to treatment, which is collaborative and person centred at all times.

I work with clients age 16 years and over, with all types of eating disorders and disordered eating.

Treatment is tailored to meet your individual need and strength. Providing you with better, long term outcomes with your treatment goals and recovery journey.

Therapy is delivered on line via video call, you can access treatment nationwide and globally. This also enables you to access treatment from work, school, university or home, reducing travel time, increasing accessibility and flexibility to your treatment progamme.

I offer therapy sessions in person at the Holistic Clinic, in Ludlow Shropshire, on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

When seeking advice and support for eating disorder treatment, always work with a clinician who is an eating disorder specialist.

Treatment for individuals with increased medical risks will require medical monitoring via your GP at all times.

Specialised treatment and therapies delivered are all recommended by NICE guidelines.
CBT-E is the cutting edge delevlopment in CBT treatment, it has been especially designed for eating problems and disorders.

It is a colaborative form of treatment where the therapist and individual work together to re-establish regular eating, a healthy weight, and address emotions and behaviours that keep the eating disorder going. 

For those under 18 years it is important that we involve family and or care givers at various stages of your treatment to support you geting back on track. 

We also encourage adults over 18 to involve partners, friends or help of others to give insight and have a better understanding of how to help the you with the therapy process. When to help and when to step back. 

Seperate sessions are also available for loved ones, providing you with a safe space to talk and reflect. We explore difficulties you are experiencing in the caring role. 

These sessions provide education and skills around living with someone with an eating disorder and ways to manage your own emotions and wellbeing. 
What CBT -E looks like  image
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Enhanced (CBT-E).

CBT-E is the leading evidence- based treatment for eating disorders and is used world wide. CBT-E is a highly individualised treatment, it requires a collaborative approach with both you and the therapist working together to address and understand the maintaining factors of your eating problem. Treatment starts with an assessment appointment, which typically lasts 90 minutes, where we explore your eating disorder history and behaviours that maintain it. We can then decide together whether CBT-E is the best approach for you, or if a different treatment approach would be better suited.

Individual therapy session are 50 minutes.

Regular appointments with your GP to monitor blood work and physical observations may be required.

ACT for eating disorders. Focuses on the 6 core process that are central to Acceptance and Commitment Therapt (ACT).

  • Acceptance, 
  • Cognitive defusion
  • Present moment awarness, 
  • Self as context, 
  • Values 
  • Commited action
Eating disorders can be difficult to treat as individuals link eating disorders to identity. 

ACT is a power treatment as it encourages a more flexible and inclusive sence of self working, in the direction of your values.

Growing evidence suggests this therapy counteracts the development and maintenance of all most all mental health issues by working on psycholgical flexablity.   
Living well through recovery..

Eating disorder treatment is a long process, it takes time to establish, its a lifestyle change. Therapy provides you with a set of tools, so at the end of treatment you can continue to use these tools to remain well.

Life will have its ups and downs and you will go through transition and change. My clients often step down to monthly coaching sessions after treatment, or use coaching as and when they are finding change challenging.

If you are going through a period of change, in education, family life, work, relationships and notice your feeling more anxious, low and vulnerable. Your thoughts can often go back to that familiar place, the noise, the fear, the coping stratergy, the need to control.

Coaching sessions are incredibly helpful for us to gain a better insight and perspective of self. 

Helping you to explore and talk things through and get some perspective of what is going on for you, create a plan and work in the direction towards a happier, more authentic version of you.

Coaching is where we look deeper into areas of your work, lifestyle, relationships, overall physical and emotional wellness and personal development.

If you have completed a treatment either with myself or another service and would like to exlore coaching, please give me a call to discuss what this would look like for you.

Menopause & Eating Disorders.
Eating disorders affect women of all ages.

When we go through peri-menopause and menopause we notice change in all sorts of ways, physically, psychologically and emotionally. 

Hormones play a huge part in the way you look and feel about yourself.

Weight gain, changes in diet, low mood, anxiety, poor sleep, low self esteem, just being just a few of the symptoms we experience going through this transition.

Restrictive eating, overeating, binge eating and over exercising can start to take place. Research shows an increase in these behaviours can lead to a historic eating disorder resurfacing, or an eating disorder starting to develop for the first time.

If you have been living at a low weight for some time, menopause is also likley to happen earlier. Understanding your hormone changes, awarness of symptoms and change is also incredibly important to support your ​health and wellbeing ​at this time.

Eating disorder treatment is not a one treatment fits all. It is also not a one treatment fits all age. It is important that your individual needs are identified and treatment is appropriate for you.

If this sounds familiar and you have any questions, please contact me on my contacts page to discuss further.

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is often a way to sooth negative emotions like stress, fear, anger, bordom, sadness and loneliness.

Emotional eating can also be connected to relationships, work, fianance and other health issues. Impacting our physical, psychological, emotional wellness and wellbeing.  

Emotional eating has a huge impact on the realtionship to ourself and the food we eat. 

When we turn to food for comfort consiously or unconsiously, we often reach for foods that are high calorie, sugar and fat making us feel worse.

We examine the complex realtionship between self esteem, body image, eating habits and socieital pressures.

We explore nutritional stratergies to change comfort eating and help you to understand how to balance your food intake and regulate your mood.

Mental Health 
& Wellbeing.  
Other than eating disorder focused therapy, i also work with individual clients, couples and families, struggling with low mood, anxiety, depression, addictions, disorders, adhd, aging, grief, loss, trauma and relationship issues.

I provide Intergrative Therapy, which is an individualised holistic approach to meet your theraputic need. This combines interventions theories, techniques and approaches from different theraputic schools.
Theraputic approaches include: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Life Coaching and Mindfullness based practices. 
Theories include: Solution Focused, Systems, Narrative, Conflict, Social learning & Family Systems. 
Holistic approaches using meditation & breath work, yoga, walking and nature therapy. 
Intergrative therapy involves discovering and understanding yourself, and how your individuality relates to your overall human function. 

I provide therapy via video calling,  in person at the clinic in Ludlow or if you prefer you can also take your therapy sessions outside in nature. 

Research shows therapy is so much more effective delivered in a place where you feel safe and are able to connect. 

Carers Support
Carers and Relatives of Eating Disorders.

Taking care of someone with an eating disorder can be physically, psychologically and emotionally exhausting. Caring impacts not only on your own mental health and wellbeing, but also your relationships, your work, your family, your life. 

I provide expert coaching sessions for carers of eating disorders. Providing you with your own personal space to talk. 

I provide education, training and skills around:

  • Manage difficult conversations. 
  • Meal support and planning.
  • Understand eating disorders.
  • Psychological, physical & emotional complexities.
  • How to step back.
  • Manging risk.

When caring for a loved one with an eating disorder, you will find yourself experiencing a whole host of thoughts, feelings and emotions: 

  • Feelings of loneliness
  • Not knowing what to do
  • Where to turn 
  • No one understands me. 
  • Understanding blame & guilt. 
  • Managing anger and other emotions. 
Sessions are available 1;1 or with other family members, including siblings. Family and friends who have a loved one with an eating disorder. 

For more information, email me via the contacts page to arrange a telephone call. 

About Julie image

Welcome to Julie Cottrell Therapy at Shropshire Eating Disorders. I have over 20 years experience working in the field of mental health and wellness, both in the NHS and the private sector.

I completed my BA (hons) degree in Social Work at Oxford. Working with children and families and in the mental health sector. Eating disorders has been my specialist area of practice, where i have over 16 years experience of working in inpatient, outpatient and community settings. 

I completed my training in Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E) with the Centre of Research on Eating Disorders (CREDO) at Oxford University. As a CBT-E Therapist and CBT-E

I completed my advanced diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) with the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) in Leicester.

I have trained in the Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA). This is a structured individual psychotherapy with integrated carers support for adults with anorexia nervosa, 

I have also trained in Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM) for severe and enduring anorexia. This offers a sustained focus on improving eating disorder symptoms, and supportive therapy techniques to guide clients towards treatment goals. SSCM is a very practical and supportive approach.  

I provide expert treatment to clients with varied eating disorder diagnosis. I feel it is important to provide a holistic approach that can be tailored to meet my clients needs, this may include broader treatment approaches to suit each individual.

Specialist Carers Consultation- Having worked with hundreds of carers over the years, delivering skills based workshops, 1:1 coaching and providing expert carer support groups. I have a wealth of knowledge, training, skills and experience to guide and support you through your journey. 

Carers coaching can be used collaboratively with the individual during the course of therapy. It  can also provide education and skills to the carer/ parent/ partner if their loved one is not yet ready to accept treatment.

My passion for working in the field of Wellness and Wellbeing continues to expand and grow with further qualifications, training and registrations in holistic treatments, methods and approaches. This continues to advance techniques for therapy and teaching throughout my practice. 

  • Life Coach- Mental Health, Wellness & Lifestyle Diploma. 
  • Nutrition and Hydration 
  • Mindfulness Diploma 
  • Meditation Teaching Diploma 
  • Breathwork Coach Diploma 
  • Massage Therapist Diploma 
  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (200 hours)
  • Menopause Practitioner  (BMS)

  • Professional registration with Social Work England (SWE)
  • British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
  • International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) 
  • BEAT Recommended Practitioner
  • Member of the British Menopause Society (BMS).
  • Walk & Talk Therapist (Creative Counsellors).

Telephone Consultation - Free up to 20 minutes

Video Calling Session
Assessment (90 minutes)  - £ 95.00
Individual Session (50 minutes) -  £ 75.00

Face to Face in Clinic Sessions 
Assessment (90 minutes) -  £ 115.00
Individual Session (50 minutes) - £ 85.00 

Group  - £ on application 
Education and Workshops - £ on application

  • Julie Cottrell Therapy, Ludlow Eating Disorders, The Holistic Clinic , 36 Lower Raven Lane, Ludlow, Shropshire, United Kingdom
  • SY8 1BL